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Business is personal.

Grow your people,
grow your business.

Ignite Engagement helps organizations create better engagement experiences for people and teams at all levels, encouraging employee satisfaction and growth and—in turn—a business with a higher value.

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For Individuals

Unlock the potential of your employees through 1:1 coaching, tailored to your employee, and based upon their level of engagement. From newly appointed leaders to seasoned executives, our coaching methodology allows us to work leaders of all levels.

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For Teams

Team strategy sessions, staff retreats, leadership development training, and team performance training all help teams unlock possible blockages to the flow of work, resulting in higher performance.

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For Companies

Imagine the possibilities; hire the right people, put them in the right roles, and unleash their potential. Our years of experience in the industry, coupled with our world-class tools, will guide you in hiring well, and then supporting those employees in a way that keeps them engaged and motivated.

Work and life.

For decades, people have talked about these two things as if they are completely separate—as if you show up at your office from 9 to 5 as your “work self,” and then when you return home, you shut off your work self and become your “life self.” Not only is this assumption outdated, but it’s simply untrue.

At Ignite, we understand that business is not just business, and jobs are not just jobs. When you walk into your office every morning (if you even have an office anymore), you’re bringing your whole self with you—from the conversation you had last night with your spouse, to your plans for the weekend and hopes for your future.

It’s all personal

In this sense, your business—and all businesses—are personal. Your engagement with your job is unique and personal to you because of your unique and personal background, from how you were raised to your personal preferences and relationships. And in family-owned and closely-held businesses, the situation is even more personal.

New ways to work

The world has changed the way we think about businesses. More companies have hybrid or remote work options, so the business is no longer contained within four walls. Your business is now more of a mindset for your employees than a place to which they show up for eight hours a day.

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Let’s get personal.

Signature services with your people in mind.

To figure out how to best engage with your team, we first start with your business goals. We then create systematic programs designed to meet your goals through our Coaching, Consulting, and Training programs. Packages are available for corporations, teams, or individuals. We also offer bespoke workshops and retreats built to meet your organization’s unique needs.

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Establishing a leadership mindset is the crucial methodology behind our Leadership Development & Coaching Solution.


Our consulting starts with assessing organizational strategy, mapping the talents of individual team members, and closing gaps that impede top-level performance.


We offer custom training specific to your organization’s needs and special circumstances.

Workshops & Retreats

We’ll work with you to create a half-day, full-day, or multi-day retreat that works toward your goals for your people and, in turn, your organization.

People first, strategic planning second.

Not in the mood to sit through another strategic planning session? We get it, and we’re here to tell you we won’t do that first. After all, it doesn’t matter how great your strategic plan is if you don’t have the people to carry it out.

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Our team will deliver trusted and data-driven resources that provide real results and prescriptions for transformative, documentable change. We use assessment tools to build curriculum, retreats, and training customized according to the desired outcomes.

Included in the tools we use is The Predictive Index (PI), a behavioral and cognitive assessment tool used to measure personality traits and workplace preferences to make informed decisions about hiring, promotions, and team building. In addition, we utilize the Value Acceleration Methodology from CEPA, a proven method for positioning your business for and executing exit planning. Last, Quantum 360 combines powerful interviews and data to create impactful feedback for your team. For your engagement we could use all, one, or none of these tools, as we customize each session based on the needs of your team.


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