
We have thoughts and want to share them.

Follow along as we Ignite leaders around the world.

Play Your Role & Play it Well

Play Your Role & Play it Well

As a soccer mom, I can’t help but notice the apparent similarities between soccer teams and professional work teams. My teenage son plays competitive soccer, and I’ve logged my fair share of hours on the bleachers or in a nearby chair. It’s only been in the last year...

Passing the Ball & the Art of the Pass

Passing the Ball & the Art of the Pass

If you’ve ever seen five-year-old children play soccer, you likely remember the image of a cluster of energetic young players chasing a ball down the field. None of them really know what they’re doing yet, and no one wants to pass the ball. They’re far too young to...

Don’t let your Blind Spots hold you back

Don’t let your Blind Spots hold you back

Understanding your blind spots—those ineffective behavioral traits you don’t recognize about yourself—requires self-reflection, seeking feedback from others, and enlisting coaching support to force you out of your comfort zone and into a learning zone. In good times...